Wastewater filtration solutions
Wastewater is a downstream contaminated byproduct from any domestic, industrial, or commercial activity with various characteristics depending on its source. With recent strict environmental regulations, wastewater streams should be treated before reuse or discharge to the environment. We offer filtration solutions that will improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment and lower operating costs by reducing solid loads, chemical usage and downtime.

Nozzles Protection
Filtration plays an important role in the wastewater treatment process by protecting the spray nozzles used during the sludge dewatering stage. Our efficient filtration solutions keep the nozzles running steadily and smoothly, protect against blockage and erosion and increase nozzle lifespan.

Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary treatment is a stage of the wastewater cleaning process and international regulations and policies are in place to monitor how wastewater is reused, recycled or discharged back into the environment. Our complete range of filtration technologies provides solutions for these challenges and some have received approval for use as a filtration technology under the California Water Recycling Criteria, also known as Title 22.