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Proposition 65

California Proposition 65



Amiad Water Systems USA takes its obligations to comply with global and regional environmental regulations seriously, including the updated warning regulations under the California’s Proposition 65, officially known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.
Some subparts of our products are not manufactured by Amiad Water Systems USA or its affiliated companies. As a result, Amiad Water Systems USA is unable to readily determine whether such products contain chemicals listed by OEHHA on the Proposition 65 List at levels that are greater than the safe harbor levels provided by OEHHA or would otherwise constitute an exposure requiring a warning. As a precautionary measure, Amiad Water Systems USA determined that all its manufactured products that are marketed and sold in California will carry a Proposition 65 warning label. Such labels do not necessarily indicate that such products contain chemicals on the Proposition 65 List or that customers purchasing such products will be exposed to any such chemicals.
Amiad Water Systems USA will typically post a warning label on packaging of any product, and in some instances the actual product, sent to all dealers and customers in California.
For Amiad Water Systems USA products that are resold through our distribution and dealer network in California in their original packaging, our distributors and dealers are obligated not to remove such warning labels.
For product supplied by Amiad Water Systems USA to be integrated into larger systems by our dealer/distribution network, our dealers/distribution partners must include a Proposition 65 warning label for the assembled materials. The warning label display is to be displayed by affixing a sticker or a hang tag with a warning that is identical to the warning on Amiad Water Systems USA packaging or product.
For any products labeled by Amiad Water Systems USA with Proposition 65 warning labels and sold by our dealers/distributors in units smaller than the product packaging provided to a California customer, our dealers/distributors must include a Proposition 65 warning compliant with the updated regulations as part of the sale of those products.
This notice is not intended to modify or amend the Amiad Water Systems USA Terms and Conditions, or Product Warranty associated with products purchased from Amiad Water Systems USA.