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Mini Sigma Series for Industry

Mini Sigma Series for Industry
Mini Sigma. The Next Generation of Water Filtration

The Mini Sigma is an automatic screen filter for industrial water filtration that is lightweight, dependable, and durable and features a compact, modular design for optimum installation flexibility.
The Mini Sigma’s polymeric design prevents corrosion, and it can be used for a range of industrial water treatment needs, including seawater filtration (upon request). The Mini Sigma uses Amiad’s suction-scanning cleaning technology and is low maintenance, quick and simple to install, and time and money efficient.
Three models in the Mini Sigma Series all feature automated cleaning for continuous flow and optimal water conservation.
Applications: intake water, process water, wastewater, drinking water, seawater

So, How Does It Work?

Everything you need to know about the Mini Sigma advantages and operation.

Online Products Catalogue
Click on the catalogue image to access information about the Mini Sigma including technical data and drawings
Product Benefits
Easy installation and low maintenance
Easy installation and low maintenance
Simple to install and requires minimal maintenance for maximum ease of operation
Reliable and durable
Reliable and durable
Designed for long-term and simple operation
Corrosion/chemical resistant
Modular design
Modular design
Maximum installation flexibility
Low water and energy consumption
Low water and energy consumption
Saves resources and costs
Compact design
Compact design
Ideal for limited installation space
Technical Materials & Support
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